Expiration extension on PGP subkeys
So, last year I've switched to an OpenPGP smartcard setup for my whole personal/Debian PGP usage. When doing so, I've also switched to subkeys, since it's pretty natural when using a smartcard. I...
View ArticleCinéma
C'est le moins qu'on puisse dire que notre fréquentation des salles obscures a nettement baissé depuis trois ans. Quasiment nulle la première année, on a réussi à augmenter quand même un peu la...
View ArticleTour Eiffel
Je suis pas raide dingue de la Tour Eiffel, mais à force de la voir tous les jours, voire à passer devant, on finit quand même par l'apprécier.Et comme j'aime bien le principe des photos du jour, j'ai...
View ArticleOn the road
Aujourd'hui, sur l'autoroute, trois voitures sur la file de gauche, derrière moi, m'ont gentiment cédé le passage alors que j'étais sur la file de droite, afin de me permettre de faire un...
View ArticleFilms 2013
La cuvée 2013, donc, comme d'habitude en début d'année suivante. Une année pas très prolifique (17 films) mais bon. À noter une forte concentration au début de l'année (il fallait écluser les congés...
View ArticleMétéo
Avec les semaines pourries qu'on s'est tapé ces derniers temps, ça fait quand même plaisir :
View ArticleCVE-2014-0160 / heartbleed
Short version:yes we're affected;we're currently working on it;we didn't have an early warning so we're doing as fast as we can.DSA should be in your INBOX in a few moments, and the updates on the...
View ArticleDebian, Xfce, policykit and permissions
So, it seems that for a lot of people using unstable, hardware-related permissions (shutdown/reboot, suspend/hibernate, devices mount/umount etc.) have been broken since some times.That's usually the...
View ArticleThanks
So, sometimes, you had a somehow rough day, it's raining and you're tired.And then, in your mailbox, out of the blue, there's a “thank you” mail.That really enlightens the day…
View ArticleBlues Bar-b-q
Alors c'est testé et validé : le Blues Bar-b-q, dans le 11ème (M. Bréguet Sabin). Petit restau texan, tenu par une texane (du coup il parait nettement plus naturel de parler anglais).Les usual suspects...
View ArticleThinkPad X250
So, I also got myself a new toy. My current ThinkPad is a bit ancient, but still sturdy. It's an X201s from 2010 (brought refurbished), and it's still working pretty fine, but eh, I couldn't resist.The...
View ArticleLXCs upgrade to Jessie
So I started migrating some of my LXCs to Jessie, to test the migration in advance. The upgrade itself was easy (the LXC is mostly empty and only runs radicale), but after the upgrade I couldn't login...
View Article3.2.68 Debian/grsec kernel and update on the process
It's been a long time since I updated my repository with a recent kernel version, sorry for that. This is now done, the kernel (sources, i386 and amd64) is based on the (yet unreleased) 3.2.68-1 Debian...
View ArticleXfce 4.12 in Debian sid
So, following the Jessie release, and after a quick approval by the release team for the 4.12 transition, we've uploaded Xfce 4.12 to sid and have asked the RT to schedule the relevant binNMUs for the...
View ArticleFollowup on Debian grsec kernels for Jessie
So, following the previous post, I've indeed updated the way I'm making my grsec kernels.I wanted to upgrade my server to Jessie, and didn't want to keep the 3.2 kernel indefinitely, so I had to update...
View ArticleWPS and Network Manager
So, everybody knows that WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is broken. But sometimes, you don't own the access point, and you'd just want the wireless to work. That happens for example when you're a guest in...
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